Friday, April 3, 2009

When They Grow Up

The girls are trying to figure out their future together. They asked me if they could live together and I told them sure. Their tentative plan is Mia will have kids and Cailey will help take care of them, but they are trying to figure out how to get the kids in the picture and where a husband would fit in with their family.

Mia asked if she HAD to have a husband to have kids. I told her that was the best plan. So then the other night Cailey thought she could be the kids' step-mom. Mia, using her know-it-all voice, told Cailey that would mean Mia and her husband got divorced, but that Cailey could be the aunt.

Then they wanted to know if a husband could have two wives. Again, I had to break the news that that wouldn't be a suitable arrangement. Seriously, you'd think I was bringing them up in some polygamist compound!


QueenShakeNBake said...

Have they been watching Big Love? I about peed my pants laughing at this one (but didn't--thanks Detrol!

Miranda said...

Oh my goodness, what do you let your kids watch on television???? Just kidding!!