Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Round 3

When I picked the girls up from school Mia was practically asleep in the hallway with that "I'm sick Mommy, take me home" look.

Luke had a high fever and fast, raspy breathing all through the night. Tylenol wasn't quite cutting it and I was out of Motrin. At the doctor's office it was 103. So we are alternating Tylenol and Motrin and keeping him hydrated by bribing him with popsicles. All he wants is milk though, not even chocolate, but white milk.

Spiderman has been running non-stop in my room for over the last 24 hours. Every 4 hours the Tylenol would wear off and Luke would wake up asking for milk and Spiderman. This might actually burn him out on it I'm thinking. He ate a bomb pop and a couple french fries for supper and said, "I don't want to watch Spiderman anymore. Hold me."

At the doctor's office he coughed and said, "I'm sick." He was still such a polite sweetie, saying thank you when I got his milk, bless you when I coughed.

Of course, you always have to look for the silver lining. Usually my kids are all busy playing, doing homework, doing different things. Tonight we were all curled up on the couch together watching American Idol. Mia was on my left holding my arm and Luke's hand. Luke was on my lap asleep. Cailey was on my right holding my arm and Luke's hand falling asleep. Definitely a nice, warm, fuzzy moment. Thanks to the nap I made her take and the Motrin, Mia was wide awake discussing the contestants with me. She liked the "blond girl" who played piano and wanted to vote for her. She actually remembered her number. I had a hard time explaining how Mommy is behind the times and doesn't text and so couldn't vote. Definitely some nice bonding.

1 comment:

QueenShakeNBake said...

You can also vote by calling (it is free). Is Luke still talking in his mouse voice? When you went to the store, he came out of the bedroom wanting you and didn't want me.