Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Kid's Say the Darndest Things

When I taught kindergarten, I remember always thinking, "If their parents knew they told the class that!" when the kids revealed something. Well, Mia has become quite the participant in our catechism class discussions.

The last few weeks we touched briefly about the events leading up to Easter. Mia of course wants to know why it is called "Good Friday" and then proceeds to say something like, "We didn't go. We just stayed home. Right, mom?" It sounded worse the way Mia said it.

Tonight's topic for the last class was growth: physical, academic, spiritual etc. I asked what they can do now that they couldn't before. Mia shared that she can play outside now on her own and her little brother can't, like when she was little.

I don't really let them play on their own. I know when we were kids it was a different story, but I honestly don't let them out of my sight. Like I'll yell at them if they go around a clothing rack at a store. Maybe overprotective. I kind of wonder about the kids who grew up here with the high profile kidnapping cases of my generation. Are we all overprotective parents?

Anyway, sometimes I'll watch the girls from the window, but if Luke is out I have to be out there. Well, they've been begging me to play outside but it has been so wet. So yesterday it was drier, and Luke wasn't supposed to be home, so I told them they could play outside.

I was exhausted from battling middle schoolers. You know, because I'm totally out of line not allowing them to eat Cheetos while reading my books, talk on their cell phones, and a ba-zillion other complaints. I really just wanted to sit.

Luke ended up being home and as soon as he saw the girls go out he threw on his boots and coat and headed out too, so I stood outside and watched for awhile. After a while I just couldn't take standing out there anymore, so I brought him in. He sobbed and sobbed, so I broke down and sent him out and sat at the slider ready to dart out the door if need be. I ended up feeling too nervous about it and went back outside.

But Mia tonight shares that I sent Luke out to play saying, "Mommy was supposed to be watching us play, but she wasn't." Again, it sounded worse they way she said it.

Now I kind of wonder what she's shared with her kindergarten teacher!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I remember hearing some pretty funny stories when I was working with kids..and their parents' were sitting right there!! I have to agree with you on not letting them out of your sight. I too remember the stories of Eugene Martin and Johnny Gosh. I always wonder when I will be able to let Linliey out of my sight. Probably not til she dates and then maybe not then either!! LOL!