Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mia's Teeth

Well, Mia has caught up to Cailey in the teeth department. In one day she lost two teeth and the new one is already coming in, taking their spots. Like Cailey, there is room for ony one of the adult teeth where the two baby teeth fell out. David is going to have to enroll in the dental plan offered by his company so these girls get double covered.

Mia's first tooth came out while supposedly Cailey was poking at Mia's mouth or something, though Cailey claims she was no where near Mia's mouth. The next tooth came out while they were cleaning and Mia bumped her mouth on a toy. That didn't quite get it out all the way, but left it hanging at a really disgusting angle. About 10 minutes later Mia was looking in the mirror at it and it came out.

Cailey was so excited for Mia. Mia was not quite as excited about it. Turns out she's a little squeamish about blood. She spend the night rinsing her mouth with ice water and biting on gauze to try and stop the bleeding. Yuck. She also was a little grossed out by the feel of the empty space left behind too, though I think she's used to it today. Another milestone for grandma to capture and scrapbook!

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Very exciting! The tooth fairy has been very busy at your house!